Thursday, August 6, 2020

Black authors: Memoirs and other nonfiction

 There is a wealth of nonfiction by black authors.  This is in no way complete, just part of my personal list. I am still working my way through the list, but everything I have read so far is excellent.  Some are funny, some recount history, some are personal, all are thought provoking.

These are in alphabetical order by author.

Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now, Maya Angelou

I'm Still Here, Austin Channing Brown

Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates

The Cross and The Lynching Tree, James H. Cone

Eloquent Rage, Brittney Cooper

Picking Cotton, Ronald Cotton and Jennifer Thompson-Cannino

Tears We Cannot Stop, Michael Eric Dyson

Defining Moments in Black History: Reading Between the Lies, Dick Gregory

The Sun Does Shine, Anthony Ray Hinton

This Will Be My Undoing, Morgan Jerkins

Stamped From The Beginning, Ibram X. Kendi  (See also Stamped by Jason Reynolds)

When They Call You A Terrorist, Patrisse Khan-Cullers and Asha Bandele

This is Major, Shayla Lawson

Across That Bridge, John Lewis

Dream With Me, John M. Perkins

Misadventures of an Awkward Black Girl, Issa Rae

Well, That Escalated Quickly, Francesca Ramsey

Invisible No More, Andrea J. Ritchie

You Can't Touch My Hair, Phoebe Robinson

My Vanishing Country, Bakari Sellers

Whistling Vivaldi, Claude M. Steele

Here For It, R. Eric Thomas

The links (hopefully) go to Amazon, but a list of black booksellers is in a previous post.