Sunday, March 12, 2017

Tangle of the Week: Icanthis

Icanthis, Bales, Gneiss, Rain, Gneiss, Florz (var.)
For this week I chose another new tangle, Icanthis, named for the Acanthus leaf.  We were introduced to it at the November conference.  I am still learning it and I can see looking at the newsletter that I need some more practice!  Here is the newsletter that introduced it online - you will have to go down a bit, they introduce another new tangle first.  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Tangle of the Week: Ballby

My challenge to myself this week was twofold: Use a new tangle, and do a tile with no grid tangles.  For my new tangle, I used Linda Farmer's newsletter (go to her excellent site and sign up if you haven't already to get a tangle daily.)  This is a new tangle, Ballby by Mei Hua Teng (Damy).  The directions are on Linda's site here.  It is a combination of original tangles Eke and Jetties, both demonstrated by Sandy Steen Bartholmew on her site BEEZ in the Belfry.

The tangles on the tile are:
Crescent Moon and

Have fun!