Sunday, March 12, 2017

Tangle of the Week: Icanthis

Icanthis, Bales, Gneiss, Rain, Gneiss, Florz (var.)
For this week I chose another new tangle, Icanthis, named for the Acanthus leaf.  We were introduced to it at the November conference.  I am still learning it and I can see looking at the newsletter that I need some more practice!  Here is the newsletter that introduced it online - you will have to go down a bit, they introduce another new tangle first.  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Tangle of the Week: Ballby

My challenge to myself this week was twofold: Use a new tangle, and do a tile with no grid tangles.  For my new tangle, I used Linda Farmer's newsletter (go to her excellent site and sign up if you haven't already to get a tangle daily.)  This is a new tangle, Ballby by Mei Hua Teng (Damy).  The directions are on Linda's site here.  It is a combination of original tangles Eke and Jetties, both demonstrated by Sandy Steen Bartholmew on her site BEEZ in the Belfry.

The tangles on the tile are:
Crescent Moon and

Have fun!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Tangle of the Week: Waybop

Gneiss, Shattuck, Waybop (heart variation)
This week's featured tangle is one of the newest, just released online a week or so ago, Waybop.  The original directions are here and the heart variation directions are here.

Waybop (the tangle in the bottom right corner) is fun to draw but you do need to be careful to do the steps in order.  Once you get it, the variations you can do are great fun!  I love this heart variation.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Tangle of the Week: Marasu

Noom, Myst, Marasu, Fescu
Sorry it has been so long since I posted!

I learned this week's tangle at the seminar in November.  It is named for Maria's sisters, Madeleine, Rachel and Susan.  Maria gives the directions for Marasu here.  Enjoy!