Sunday, December 4, 2016

Tangle of the Week: Cubine

Flux, Ahh, Gneiss, Bales, Cubine
My official tangle of the week is Cubine, the tangle in the triangle at the bottom of the tile.  You can read about it and see the directions on the Zentangle newsletter here.

But I also wanted to share the tangle Gneiss, the tangle in the circle.  I can't find the step out online so I drew a fairly basic Gneiss here.  I want you to see what we learned how to do with this tangle at the ZenAgain conference.  Margaret Bremner led a class on Gneiss and shared some of the results on her blog.  Scroll down to see it and enjoy the artwork on her blog as well.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Maryhill, Bales,Pokeroot, Fescue, Zinger, Zander, Zenith, Ahh
Just came back inspired by the zenAgain conference!  I learned new tangles and also how to take a tangle I love in new directions. Stay tuned for updates based on the conference!

For this week, I focused on a simple but effective tangle, Ahh.  You can learn how to do it here.  I wanted a light and airy effect so I did not shadow it here but the example above will show you how to shadow it.  Have fun with it!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Tangle of the Week Nov 5 2016: BB

Keeko, Zander, Cadent, Pokeroot, Cubine, BB, Tipple
This week's tangle is called BB.  It is an original tangle from Maria and Rick.  At first I was not impressed with it but after I actually drew it I liked it.  Moral of the story: Always try the tangle before deciding on whether or not you like it.

The tangle is demonstrated on Sandy Bartholomew's blog, Beez in the Belfry.  It is a fun blog to visit with lots of step outs for tangles.

BB is the tangle arching over the bottom right hand corner of the tile, over Tipple.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Tangle of the Week October 14, 2016: Fracas

Rain, Msst, Flinger, Fescue, Fracas
Fracas is an absorbing tangle to do.  Follow Linda Farmer's instructions here to see Bijou demonstrate how to do it.  Like Linda, I added a sparkle to mine. (The sparkle is the white space that gives a look of light hitting the shape.)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Tangle of the Week October 2 2016

Knightsbridge, Hollibaugh, Gneiss,
Printemps, Cadent, Pokeroot,
Fengle, N'Zeppel, Crescent Moon
Sorry to be so late with this week's tangle - I was traveling in Michigan.  Next week I will be traveling to my niece's wedding in Illinois so there will be no weekly tangle.

This week's tangle is Knightsbridge. Sandy Steen Bartholmew has the directions on her blog.  As she says, it is much better - and easier - to go from corner to corner rather than trying to alternate blocks.  It can be done on a curved or straight grid and there are lots of ways to adapt it.  Have fun with it!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Tangle of the Week: Rain 9/24/2016

Rain, Nipa, Hollibaugh with Crescent Moon,
Bales, Ing, Mssst
This week's tangle is Rain, the tangle on the left hand side.  It is an easy but effective tangle.  The directions are on Linda Farmer's site here athough they are originally from Suzanne McNeill.

Since I haven't mentioned Linda's site, lately, I want to give it a special shout out now.  She has many of the original Zentangle patterns as well as dozens contributed by other Zentangle artists.  The site is well worth checking out.  She also sends out a daily newsletter with new patterns to try.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Tangle of the Week Sept 16, 2016: Fengle

Pokeroot, Fengle, Zinger, Bales, Nipa, Tripoli,
Munchin, Crescent Moon, Flux
For this week, I chose the tangle Fengle (the center top row.) Maria demonstrates how to draw it in the Zentangle® newsletter here.

By the way if you are not signed up for the newsletter, go to and sign up.  It not only covers new tangles, it includes testimonials and lovely examples. It is a wonderful source of inspiration.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Tangle of the Week: N'Zeppel

N'Zeppel is the tangle on the right hand side.  It can be drawn on a straight grid or on a "crazy" grid as it is here.  Think of stuffing a water balloon into your grid space - it will fill most of the area but will leave the corners open. Here is a video showing how to draw it and another way to shade it - be warned that the video is very fast,

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Tangle of the Week September 3 2015: Purk

Aah, Zander with Fescue, Purk, Keeko, Bales with N'Zeppel
This week's tangle is Purk, the large oval in the center.  You can learn how to draw it in a youtube video here.This is one of  Maria's favorite tangles and it is fun to draw.  It always makes me think of a Faberge egg. Enjoy!

Monday, August 29, 2016

I Am the Diva challenge 281 - use ING

I finally dove in and tried one of the I Am A Diva challenges (for full information go to her blog here.)  The challenge was to use the tangle ING.  I used it as a string along with Rain.  On my first try I filled in all four quadrants but felt it looked too busy and the ING got lost. So on this tile I went for some white space. This was fun!

For directions on how to draw ING, go here.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Tangle of the Week August 26, 2016 Hollibaugh

Pokeroot, Crescent Moon
Bales, Hollibaugh, Florz
Munchin,, Knightsbridge, Rain
This week's tangle is a Zentangle® original called Hollibaugh (in the center).  It looks like boards piled up on one another and is a great way to learn the Zentangle concept of "behind."  Because of that Hollibaugh is usually one of the first tangles taught in a class.  CZT Sandy Bartholomew demonstrates how to draw it here.

Once you are used to drawing it there are a lot of ways to use it.  You can fill in the "blank" spots with other tangles or use other tangles on the boards themselves.  You can also color in black behind the boards and get a whole new effect.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Tangle of the Week August 19, 2016: Cadent

Printemps, Florz, Indirella,
Hollibaugh, Cadent, Bales,
Mssst, Knightsbridge, Crescent Moon
This week's tangle is Cadent (center of the tile.)  Cadent looks complicated but is really easy to draw. It is great for large spaces in your string as well as smaller spaces. The basic directions are here.  But CZT Margaret Bremner has created an entire chart of variations to check out here!  The possibilities for this tangle seem to be endless.  Have fun trying it out!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Tangle of the Week August 12, 2016: Pokeroot

ING, Bales, N'Zeppel, Pokeroot, Flinger, Pokeroot
This week's tangle is one of the early tangles, Pokeroot.  Molly Hollibaugh demonstrates how to do it on a Zendala in the video here.

Pokeroot is fun to do and has a lovely tendency to ignore the string and go over borders. It is easy to learn and can have quite an impact on your tile.  I particularly love it coming out of corners, as in this tile.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Tangle of the Week August 5, 2016

Crescent Moon, Betweed, Flux

For this week, I chose the tangle Betweed.  There is an excellent video by Maria and Rick available here.

It is a beautiful tangle and Maria demonstrates how to do it three different ways on her video.
I chose her second method. This one required some extra focus from me at first but once I got the rhythm going it was easy.  It is basically one stroke repeated. Remember to always start from the left! Enjoy.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Tangle of the Week July 29, 2016

Bales, Hollibough, CactI (MLL), Rain,  Keeko (variation),
Cresennt Moon, Printemps
This week I am highlighting the tangle Bales, one of my favorite tangles.  Learn how to draw Bales from the Zentangle archives here.

You can see from Maria's example that there are lots of ways to finish off Bales.  I used a simple circle, but you can also aura the interior, fill it in N.'Zeppel style, or leave it open.  If you leave it open, you can shade the left and bottom interior sides to get a lovely floating effect.

Enjoy tangling!  For more information or for a CZT near you visit

Friday, July 15, 2016

Tangle of the Week July 22, 2016

Pokeroot, Huggins, Knightsbridge, Printemps, Crescent Moon, Tagh, Bales
This week I am focusing on Huggins, the large woven tangle in the center.  This is one of the "high focus" tangles, meaning you must pay careful attention to it or you may end up with a different pattern.  I find it much easier than the similar tangle W2.

Linda Farmer illustrates the steps for Huggins on her blog here.

Tangle of the Week July 15, 2016

Vitruvious,, Pokeroot,, Zinger, Fescue, Mooka, Zander, Tipple
For this week's tangle I am featuring Mooka (the center tall tangle).  It is drawn with one continuous line.  For directions on how to draw it see Rick and Maria's video here.

I wanted to give Mooka plenty of space so I went without a string and basically framed it with other tangles. I like that this tile has multiple tangles but also a lot of white space.

Mooka is fun and can fit it multiple places on a tile - it also multiplies well on a tile. Watch the video and try it out!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Tangle of the Week July 8, 2016

Gneiss, Printemps,, Hollibaugh. Crescent Moon
This is my first Tangle of the Week.  I kept this to basic tangles.

I love the flexibility of Crescent Moon.  You can go large with it, as I did in this tile, or go very small.  It works into any shape although I particularly love doing it in a circle. Crescent Moon is usually the first tangle you  learn in an introduction to Zentangle® course.  (It is the tangle in the lower left hand corner.) To learn how to do it visit Linda Farmer's blog at

To learn more about zentangle or to find an teacher near you please go to

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Back from Zentangle® seminar

Well, I am back from my Zentangle® training seminar and am now a Certified Zentangle® Teacher.  I met people from all around the United States and all around the world.  They were not sure how many countries were represented at our specific seminar but the one just before ours had 30 countries there,  I personally met people from Tasmania, Hong Kong, Japan, Switzerland and Germany.

I am excited and ready to teach!  I am also ready to reinvest in this blog, lol - it has been a long time since my last post.  Stay tuned for book reviews and tangles.  I will also try to  post some of my Bible art journaling.

For more information visit